CrossFit Wild South @HOME 170921
Rāmere – Friday
17th September, 2021
100 Double-unders
500/400 m Row - 27/21 Assault Bike
100 Double-unders
500/400 m Row - 27/21 Assault Bike
100 Double-unders
500/400 m Row - 27/21 Assault Bike
100 Double-unders
400 m Run
100 Double-unders
400 m Run
100 Double-unders
400 m Run
100 Object Toe-taps
400 m Run
100 Object Toe-taps
400 m Run
100 Object Toe-taps
400 m Run
WOD Design and Logistics
Monostructural double today. Fully Loaded people are rowing and everyone else is running - Which would you prefer?
Even though it is a total of 1.5 k row/1.2k run, the workout is about the double-unders.
Being able to string double-unders together in big sets like this while being fatigued is a skill, one which will be heavily tested today.
It is a total of 300 double-unders if done "Rx’d", so make sure we get some good warming up done through the lower body.
The skill portion of the double-unders is removed with the toe-taps, so your workout time may be a little shorter, but you are still performing the same volume as the other two categories.
Use any object around the house that is stable to tap your toes on.
Time to complete the workout
WOD Goal
The goal is to shoot for big sets as possible in those double-unders/toe-taps. For those of us who are unable to get a lot of double-unders in a row just yet, we can focus on keeping our rest between sets short. Even if you fail the rep but it was a legitimate attempt, today we can count it.
While you may feel exhausted during the workout from the double unders, encourage yourself to push hard on the rows/assbike/runs and hang in there with a consistent pace for each effort. This is hard for some/most people. Most of is run hard when we feel good, then slow down when we are fatigued. Today we want to try to be more conservative in the first effort so that you are more likely to row/assbike/run at the same pace across the board.
We are allowing around 12 - 18 min to complete this workout.
Fully+Partially Loaded:
Double-unders: Either, decrease the total amount of reps to 50/60 per round, or/and have all attempts count as reps.
Row/assbike/run: Reduce the distances as needed.
Toe-taps: scale to 50 walking lunges per round instead if you are unable to bounce/jump.
(15-20 min.) Chris Hinshaw Running Warm-Up
As a group, run 200 m, then perform;
* Leg swings (10 right leg front to back, left, right side, left side)
* Ankle rotations (10 right & left ankle, clockwise and counter-clockwise)
* Knee touches (3x 3-5sec each leg) into the wall (toe 4+ inches from the wall) to warm Achilles.
Then, hip Mobility;
* Side high knee karaoke drill (10m on each side)
* Alternating forward walkover “the hurdle” drill: high knee angled out and lift up & over an imaginary hurdle (10m)
* Walking while pulling the knee to chest (while standing tall)
* Walking pulling inner ankle up to chest (“Figure 4″)
Then, Drills;
* Walking lunges with pelvic tilt (hip flexor stretch)
* Walking lunges with torso twist towards the side of extended knee
* Woodpecker (stand on 1 leg, bend at the waist, touch ground w/ 2 hands, while the other pivots up and back to 90deg position from the ground)
* Toe touches: Marching opposite hand to toe touches
* High knees
* Butt kicks (knee pointed to ground)
* Fast stutter steps with quick arms while driving elbows down & back
* Crouching side step shuffle (out 20 yards & back 20 yards)
(10-15 min) Prep for workout
Fully Loaded:
Row 500 m: 100 m easy pace – 150 m moderate pace – 250 m hard workout pace
Assault Bike 27/21 Cal: 6/4 Cal easy pace – 9/5 Cal moderate pace – 12/10 Cal m hard workout pace
Rest, then review the Double-under if needed and after that, perform;
1 set of each 10-20-30 Double-unders unbroken (that is the goal) SCALE to workout modification (attempts or Single-unders)
Partially Loaded:
Run 400 m: 100 m easy – 100 m mod – 200 m hard workout pace
Rest, then review the Double-under if needed and after perform;
1 set of each 10-20-30 Double-unders unbroken (that is the goal) SCALE to workout modification (attempts or Single-unders)
* Unloaded perform these as object to-taps.
* Prep as needed for the Workout
(20 min.) Perform Workout
Spend some time on each side rolling/stretching calves/quads.