CrossFit Wild South @HOME 210921
Tuesday 21st September, 2021
5 Rounds for Time
5 Hang Power Snatch (Touch and Go, pick load)
10 Overhead Squat (Same Weight)
5 Strict Handstand Push-up
5 Rounds for Time
8 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch (Pick Load)
12 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat (Same weight)
8 Pike Push-up
5 Rounds for Time
24 Air Squats
6 Pike Push-up
WOD Design and Logistics
Fully Loaded:
Building up our snatch cycling and overhead squat capacity today, with some Handstand Pushups thrown in there to spice up, and test the shoulders a little more!
The combination of the overhead positioning of the Snatch, the Overhead squat and the Handstand Push-ups is unique and compounds on one another relatively quickly. This is an upper-body/midline workout for the most part.
The Hang Power Snatch is touch and go and are therefore expected to be done unbroken.
The Overhead Squats are to be done at the same weight as the snatches (1 barbell) and you should be aiming to do them unbroken for the majority of the workout. With the combination these movements having such a profound effect your shoulders, you may find the last couple of rounds need to be broken up. A good strategy may be to perform the Hang Power Snatch set and go straight into a set of Overhead Squats, aiming to get them all, but possibly needing to split it.
We haven’t prescribed a load because we want you to find one that will work for you that still meets the intention of the workout. It needs to be heavy enough to be a challenge in the snatches and possibly something that kind of scares you a little, but with some focus, you can do at least the Hang Power Snatches and 4-5 Overhead squats with each effort.
We will need to hard scale the HSPU today, 1 abmat at 10kg plate to reduce the ROM is our max. See the scaling notes if that's outside your capacity today.
Partially Loaded:
We have increased the overall volume of the dumbbell movements to try to keep the stimulus within the same limits as the Fully loaded track. Obviously, this isn’t totally possible, but the degree of difficulty the DB HSS and OH squat bring to the table makes up for any variance.
The reps prescribed are total reps, so it ends up being 3 on one side and 3 on the other for the snatch and 6 on the other for the OH squats.
It ends up making this workout a little more squat dominant, but the majority of it will still be felt through those shoulders. We have some scaling options below if the db is too heavy for people to perform these movements well.
Pressing and squatting is still on the cards for these athletes today. If you like, and if you are feeling like an extra challenge to start the week, add one more round to the end for a total of 6 rounds.
For the 9 Get down/ups, one rep is right side down/up + left side down/up. So, 18 total per round.
Time to complete the workout
WOD Goal
Those who are able to move through each round without much breaking up of sets will be able to perform the workout around 15 min. We are allowing up to 20 min to complete.
Intensity will be relative today, given how heavy the load is for people, particularly in the overhead squats.
The handstand push-ups might start feeling a little harder than normal, given the high shoulder volume this workout demands. Ideally, unbroken sets would be great, but after round 1, people will most likely be breaking them up a couple of times. That is fine. If you are starting out with sets lower than 3, then you should scale the movement.
Fully Loaded:
The load is intended to be moderate to heavy.
Doing the sets of hang squat snatch + OH squats unbroken will be really challenging, but not impossible for at least the first half of the workout. We do want the touch and go's to be unbroken of course.
Partially Loaded:
Both dumbbell movements today can be awkward if you lack the ROM to move easily through the positions. This may slow those people down a little. That is ok. Today is about being a little awkward, heavy feeling and hard on the shoulders.
The HSPU will be the limiting factor here today. Find a modification that will really challenge you and make you break these up into a couple of sets.
The other two movements should be done quickly and unbroken.
Fully Loaded:
Hang Power Snatch: Scale the load as needed. Further scale to the Partially loaded track.
Overhead squat: Scale the load as needed down to a PVC. Further scale to a back squat.
Handstand push-up: Scale ROM to 1 abmat and a 10kg plate THEN use a box pike push-up or floor pike push-up. A Seated Dumbbell or Barbell Strict press.
Partially Loaded:
Dumbbell Hang Power snatch: Scale to a power snatch + front squat for each rep.
Dumbbell Overhead squat: Scale to a Single-Arm front squat, or back squat.
Pike push-up: Scale to a Seated Dumbbell press.
Plank get-down/up: Scale to plank shoulder taps. 20 total. Then scale to kneeling position.
Pike push-up: Scale to regular push-ups, double the reps.
(10 min.) Running warm-up - Weather permitting use machines
Run 400 m (500/400 row - 27/21 Assault bike) together with 1 PVC OR broomstick
At 100 m (200/100 row - 7/5 Assault bike), perform
10 Overhead squats
At 200 m (300/200 row - 14/10 Assault bike) perform;
10 Hang power snatch
At 300 m (400/300 row - 21/15 Assault bike) perform;
10 Snatch grip deadlifts
At 400 m perform (500/400 row - 27/21 Assault bike)
10 Sots press
(5-10 min.) Inverted Prep
2 x 30 sec. Handstand hold – 30sec rest QUICK SCALE Walk hands up a wall or hold a pike push-up position
* Make the second hold a little harder (if it wasn’t challenging) – face the wall, freestanding….
2 x 15 sec. of shoulder shrugs while in handstand hold – 15 sec rest
2 x 30 sec. slow negative lowers – 30 sec. rest QUICK SCALE Use ab mats or perform 30 sec of slow controlled pike push-ups
(5-10 min.) Review barbell/dumbbell and unloaded movements as needed.
(15 min.) Workout Prep/Skill Work
Fully and Partially Loaded:
Review snatch/Overhead squat with a PVC/broomstick and/or empty barbell/one Dumbbell.
Work these positions;
Muscle Snatch - Snatch Drops – Hang Power snatch
* Do as many reps as needed to be moving well in each position.
* Go over how to cycle a moderate to heavy load in the hang position.
Then, prep with:
2 x 3 Hang Power Snatch (TnG) + 4 Overhead Squat
2 x 5 Hang Squat Snatch (TnG) + 3 Overhead Squat
+ 3 Strict HSPU between each set – use workout modification here.
* Aim for each set to be unbroken.
* Add load each set
* The last set should be done at your working weight for FL.
Handstand Push-up – use mod here.
Get down/up (total reps)
10 Air squats between each set
* Prep as needed for the Workout
(20 min.) Perform workout