CrossFit Wild South @HOME 200921
Monday 20th September, 2021
10-minute AMRAP
20 Double-unders
8 Deadlift (52/34 kg.)
4 Hang Power Clean (52/34 kg.)
10-minute AMRAP
20 Double-unders
10 Dumbbell Deadlift (22.5/15 kg.)
5 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean (22.5/15 kg.)
10-minute AMRAP
10 Kick-backs
WOD Design and Logistics
A short AMRAP today to kick off the week.
Monostructural combined with light lifting with low reps, calls for some high intensity!
Since it is a short workout, we will spend some time in the prep piece working up to a moderately heavy load with the deadlift/hang power clean complex while working on some holds in that position.
Getting some static work done with a moderate load is a good opportunity to build some strength through those movements and positions.
Partially Loaded:
We added a few extra reps to the Dumbbell movements to account for the lighter load.
Both movements are done holding one dumbbell in each hand. If you have trouble touching the dumbbells to the ground, just aim for the top of the dumbbell to touch the ground, then use some height under the dumbbell to reach the range.
We want this workout to be highly metabolic for the majority, so the toe taps and kick backs will do the trick for that.
The anchored leg raises will slow you down a little, but can still be done with some intensity.
For the toe-taps, it is 1 tap = 1 rep.
As many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes.
WOD Goal
Fully+Partially Loaded:
Nice and simple instructions today. Go hard for the full 10 minutes.
Each round should be done unbroken; double-unders and deadlift/hang power clean and relatively fast.
The majority of us will be doing a round every 90 seconds to 2 minutes meaning most of us should end up with 5 - 6+ rounds.
For those who struggle with stringing double-unders together, either count your attempts or substitute for singles.
The aim is to be able to keep your Double Under sets short and under 15 sec, if it is taking you over 30 sec to do 20 Double Unders, scale appropriately to match the stimulus.
Each round should take roughly the same as the above tracks, with maybe a little more time for those leg raises.
The difference is that you should be able to maintain the same speed across the workout, so possibly hitting 7+ rounds.
Fully+Partially Loaded:
Double-unders: Scale to attempts, then use toe-taps to scale further
Deadlift/Clean: Scale the load as needed. If this is not possible, scale to one dumbbell, using it in both hands for the deadlift and perform all 4 cleans in one hand for one round and then switch for the next round.
Toe-taps: If you are unable to jump, scale to lateral step-overs of any object. The goal should still be to perform these as quickly as possible.
Kick-backs: If you cannot jump back, you can turn these into step-back kick backs, or modify to a rotational plank.
Anchored leg raise: To scale, bend the knees as much as needed. To scale further, perform a regular sit-up with anchored feet if possible.
(10 min.) Warm-up with some circle running
If you have space, run around in a circle, not, jog on the spot.
Then perform one of the movements below until you switch/go back to jogging.
If you have no one to tell you when to switch, work in 30-second intervals, move - run - move - run, etc.
Switch it up and make sure you hit all the movements a few times each.
- running backwards
- shuffle sideways
- bird peckers
- bear crawl
- up and over the fence
- skipping
- high knees
* Add some of your own.
(10 min.) Double Under/Holds Prep – for unloaded, perform toe-taps here.
10 unbroken double unders + 10 sec plank hold (make it harder by taking one arm/opposite leg off ground)
20 unbroken double-unders + 20 sec plank hold
30 unbroken double-unders + 30 sec plank hold
40 unbroken double-unders + 40 sec plank hold
* Scale the double-unders to not-broken or attempts. Make sure people use this time to practise
* Go straight from the double-unders to the hold, then rest as needed after each set. It isn’t for time.
(5-10 min.) Review barbell/dumbbell and unloaded movements as needed.
(15 min.) Workout Prep/Skill Work
Fully and Partially Loaded:
5 Deadlifts + 30 sec. hold at top of deadlift + 3 hang power clean + 30 sec. Hold at top of clean
– Rest up to 2 min.
4-5 Rounds
* Add load each round for fully loaded up to your workout weight PLUS some for your last set.
* The aim is to perform the whole set unbroken. You can’t put the load down.
* For Partially Loaded, use 9 deadlifts + 6 cleans + holds.
* Fully Loaded: Bring your load back to your workout weight if you have prepped above it.
Midline work
5 Dragon Flags + 30 sec. Hollow Hold
3-4 Sets
Do these slow and controlled.
* Prep as needed for the workout
(10 min.) Perform Workout
Advanced Pigeon Stretch: 2 min. each side
Back Bridges – Accumulate 2-3 min.