CrossFit Wild South @HOME 250821
CFWS @ HOME Wednesday 25th August, 2021
For our mid-week session, we get to play with some cards to determine the outcome of our workout. I will be briefing the workout at 7 am, 10 am and 5 pm again but at the 10 am briefing I will be hanging around and will be the dealer for those wanting to get in and do the workout at that time.
Just a reminder that where practicable, we are still loaning gear out this week.
Please do reach out if you need anything Crew.
AMRAP in 20 minutes
Pull a random card and perform the number of reps of the corresponding movement for that card.
Hearts = Single Kettlebell Floor Press (each side)
Spades = Front Rack Cossack squats
Diamonds = Weighted Sit-Ups
Clubs = Single Kettlebell Renegade Row (each side)
Jokers = 15 Burpees
Aces = 1 rep
Jack = 11
Queen = 12
King = 13 reps
AMRAP in 20 minutes
Pull a random card and perform the number of reps of the corresponding movement for that card.
Hearts = Push-Ups
Spades = Cossack squats
Diamonds = Sit-Ups
Clubs = Kick Sits
Jokers = 15 Burpees
Aces = 1 rep
Jack = 11
Queen = 12
King = 13 reps
WOD Design and Logistics
Everyone, Start a 20-minute clock and immediately pull a random card from the deck. Perform the number of reps of the corresponding movement for that card. For example, if you draw 7 of Spades, perform 7 Front Rack Lunges. Draw another card and perform the corresponding movements as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes.
Don’t have a deck of cards handy?
Don’t have a deck of cards handy? Try online HERE or check out Google Play or App store for any ‘Draw a random Card’ App.
The score is the total number of rounds/reps completed before the 20-minute clock expires.
If you are counting rounds, 1 round is each card that you draw and complete the movement assigned to that card.
If you are counting reps, it is the total number of reps that you complete in 20-minutes.
WOD Goal/Intent
Everyone: The goal for everyone is to accumulate as many rounds/reps as you can and have a bit of fun with the workout. Maybe your kids/significant other/flatmate can draw the cards for you so that you can keep a constant pace going.
Weighted Movements: A Kettlebell or Dumbbell here will work fine, reduce the load if needed. Different weights can be used for each of the movements if needed.
Push-ups: We can scale the range of motion here by elevating our hands. Using negatives to get to the ground in a good push-up shape and coming back up and resetting at the top will also work well for this workout.
Cossack Squats: Ideally we want to work through these, they do require a good level of mobility and mid-line control, so if we find them a challenge, chances are we should be practising them (and the mobility we need too) to get better at them. However, if you do need to scale, normal air squats are fine.
For 6-minutes find an odd object Turkish Getup - 2 reps on each side.
THEN 2 - 3 times through
30-second hollow hold
5 Inchworms with a push-up
10 Walking Lunges
15 Jumping Jacks
(10 min.) Review and Prep for the Workout
2-3 times through reviewing all of the movements, increasing the load each round if possible:
2-3 times through reviewing all of the movements:
(20 min.) Perform the Workout
(10.) Recovery - Yoga Flow