CrossFit Wild South @HOME 190821

Day one done and dusted, we trust that you are all well and have accepted the situation and are making the necessary adjustments for your household.

Our gym programming is settled at least a month in advance and follows the general principles of the CrossFit methodology. We are currently making minor adjustments to account for our present circumstances, but we are still following a plan to improve your fitness so that you remain generally physically prepared, for life.

CrossFit, by definition, is constantly varied, functional movements, executed at (relative) high intensity. The goal of our program is to increase your fitness. We define fitness as increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains.

Functional movements produce high power, relative to non-functional (isolation) movements. Performing these at high intensity gives us results due to their high power output. The great thing about intensity it is relative to our own individual physical and psychological tolerances. This is why we scale things such as load, reps, distance, volume, etc. in our daily workouts.

Variance helps us to expand our ability to perform a myriad of physical tasks that may come across our way in the gym, and more importantly, life. It ensures we stay generally physically prepared and do not start creeping towards specialisation. Specialisation is fine if that is your goal, but it is not the goal of our programming.

Increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains simply means this: Can I do more? What is happening in your logbooks? Are your times getting faster? Are the weights you are moving increasing? Are you more active outside the gym? Can you dig the garden easier or for longer without rest? If the answer is yes, then your fitness is going in the right direction - it accounts for all the different movements, loads, and time domains that our workouts occur in.

However, our Fitness is a measure of our Health, which means that it also accounts for what is going on in your lifestyle factors - nutrition, sleep, stress, recovery etc. So if the needle is going in the wrong directions with your results, these pieces are the first things that need to be addressed, not simply training more.

We are programming to keep your needle heading in the right direction.


100 Push-ups
Every time you break, perform 5 V-ups
50 Pike Push-ups
Every time you break, perform 5 V-ups
25 Strict Handstand Push-ups
Every time you break, perform 5 V-ups


3 Rounds for quality

20 Push-ups
15 Sit-Ups
10 Pike Push-ups
5 V-Ups


WOD Design and Logistics

The overall volume of Pushing today is high, and the volume of Push-ups in any one given set is also high. This means that we get closer to failure each time we attempt to do a set, versus a high volume workout with, say, 10 reps per round. This sort of volume puts a bit more stress on our muscular system and will potentially make us a little more sore than we normally would be.

Just make sure you are smart about scaling.

The Push-up difficulty increases during the workout, starting with regular Push-ups and ending with Strict Handstand Push-ups.

We have dedicated a large portion of the warm-up to prep those shoulders; mobilise and stabilise so everyone can move as efficiently as possible through their version of Push-ups.


Time to complete the workout.

WOD Goal


Today is not the day to try to do the workout Rx’d if you haven’t attempted this sort of volume before or if you don't have at least 20+ unbroken good push-ups and a few (3-5 unbroken) Strict Handstand Push-ups.

It is 150 Push-ups and 25 Strict Handstand Push-ups which is a lot. They are also only separated by a few v-ups, so you will not be getting a lot of rest between sets.

There are a few ways to attack this workout, and it will vary between all of us. For those who are really good at Push-ups, we suggest starting out the workout with the biggest sets possible. This way, you reduce the number of times you have to perform the v-ups, save a little energy and you will get the workout done quicker. For most of us though, doing big sets means we will likely start to fail some reps or see a significant drop off in form. Those that find themselves in this situation should look to find sets that mean you are working hard, but just under your threshold so you aren’t at any risk of failure.

As soon as you start failing, you will need to take longer rests between your sets.

The v-ups are almost like a built-in active rest. Five is just enough to keep your heart rate up, but it will take you away from Pushing for a little bit and make you use your midline. You should aim to take shorter rests at the start of the workout while you are relatively fresh because toward the end you will slow down and need to take more breaks as the volume creeps up on you and the difficulty of the pushing movement increases.

The time to complete this one is going to vary greatly between us all, but scaling appropriately so that everyone can finish in around the same amount of time is really what we are after. An appropriate time to complete this is around 20-25 min. Some of our push up/HSPU ninjas with 30-40 unbroken push-ups could finish this is around 15 min though.


Rather than penalising those of us who are still developing our push-up strength with an insane amount of "penalty" v-ups because of our smaller sets, having a fixed number of rounds and reps is more appropriate.



Time Caps - use as a guide to help you scale correctly

100 Push-ups: 10 min.

50 Pike Push-Ups: 7 min.

25 Strict Handstand Push-ups: 5 min.

Total workout time: 22 min. or faster.


Push-ups: If you cannot perform 10-15 unbroken "Rx" push-ups then you should strongly consider doing the scaled" version today. If you can hit that 10 ish rep range unbroken but feel that the time to do 100 is going to blow out past the suggested 10-minute target then reduce the reps to 60.

Pike Push-ups: Reduce the reps to 30 or scale to hand-release push-ups.

Strict Handstand Push-ups: Reduce the reps to 10. Then, reduce the range of motion or perform negatives.

V-ups: Scale to Sit-ups.


Push-ups: If you cannot perform 5 - 10 unbroken "Rx" push-ups then you should look to reducing the range of motion and elevate your hands.

Pike Push-ups: Reduce the reps or scale to hand-release push-ups or army crawlers.

V-ups: Scale to Sit-ups.

WARMUP ~ 20 - 25 MINS

(5 -10 min.) Warm-up  flow

Include these movements (or add others depending on space):
Bear Crawls
Forward Rolls
Burpee Broad Jumps
Army Crawlers

(5-10 min.) Shoulder Prep

Perform 10 or so reps of each:
Scap Push-ups
Kick Sits

Then, Wall facing shoulder Stretch (1 min. each)

8 light TGUs - shoe/light object
5 Bottom of push-up holds - 5-10 seconds

Then, Scap wall slides (10 slow reps)


(5-10 min.) Prep for Workout
10 Push-ups
5 Negative Pike Push-ups - 2 seconds down
3 Negative Handstand Push-ups - 2 seconds down
10 Push-ups
5 Pike Push-ups - 2 seconds down
3 Strict Handstand Push-ups - 2 seconds down
* Scale each movement as needed. Perform 5 v-ups/sit-ups between each movement.
(20-25 min.) Perform the Workout


(10 min.)

20 Slow-paced Alt. Kneeling Supermans

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