CrossFit Wild South @HOME 100921

CFWS @ HOME Friday 10th September, 2021



5 Rounds for time

8 Burpee jump to a target

16 Plank Shoulder Taps


* Every 2 min. perform 20 Jumping jacks



5 Rounds for time

8 Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerk

16 Dumbbell Plank Rows (8 on each side)

* Every 2 min. perform 60 Double-unders



5 Rounds for time

4 Touch and Go Power Clean and Jerk (pick load)

8 Strict Pull-up

* Every 2 min. perform 60 Double-unders





WOD Design and Logistics



Today this version is going to be a little more challenging on our lungs and shoulder strength.

Start with the jumping jacks to kick the workout off.

For the burpees, choose a target that is at least two hands above our reach to ensure we leave the ground for each rep.

For the shoulder taps, the reps are total (alternating each side).

* The workout STARTS with 20 Jumping jacks.


Partially Loaded

We have increased the reps per round because the loading on the Dumbell Power Clean and Jerk's won’t be the same as the Fully loaded version.

We still intend for the Dumbbell Clean and Jerks to be performed in an unbroken set.

Same with the plank rows. These are not alternating. Perform 8 reps on each side.

* The workout STARTS with 60 double-unders.


Fully Loaded

Today, for Fully Loaded, we are going heavy again. But, not below parallel.

This time, with a hinge, pull and push.

We have left the loading open-ended for you to decide.

Spend about 10-minutes in the prep, working up to a heavy 4 rep touch and go power clean and jerk that you want to use for the Workout.

We have added the double-unders to increase the skill level of the workout, as well as the cardiovascular challenge. Lifting heavy while breathing heavy is hard!

It also creates a little mental challenge for us to figure out a strategy of how many rounds or reps we can get through before we need to perform the double-unders.

* The workout STARTS with 60 double-unders.



Time to complete the workout.


WOD Goal



The jumping jacks will be a nice change from the shoulder burn of the burpees and shoulder taps. Make sure you set a standard for the jumps so that they don’t end up getting really sloppy. Having the hands touch at the top of the movement is a good one. Remember, the workout starts with the jumping jacks and we are doing 5 rounds for this version.

Aim for a finish time of around 10-12 minutes.


Partially Loaded:

People doing this version should be able to cycle through the workout a little quicker given the lighter load and less skill strength requirement for the planks. The higher rep scheme should slow you down a little though, so we expect things to even out in the end, as the double-unders will still keep coming around!

We intend for the Dumbbell Clean and Jerks to be performed in an unbroken set.

The goal is to perform the double-unders fast and unbroken. More time spent performing these will mean the whole workout takes longer.

If you take longer than 45 to 60 sec to perform the 60 reps, reduce the reps.


Fully Loaded:

We want the clean and jerks to be heavy enough so that you can only do 1 unbroken touch and go set of 4 at a time.

The Strict Pull-ups will most likely need to be broken up from the first set for most people. Today, if you are able to do 2-3 at a time, but you cycle through them quickly, then that is fine.

In class, if you don't yet have 3+ strict unbroken unassisted pull-ups we will scale to the plank rows as per the partially loaded version. This will make the logistics of social distancing in class a lot easier. If you have your own rig/rings at home, you can scale as you normally would.

The goal is to perform the double-unders fast and unbroken. More time spent performing these will mean the whole workout takes longer.

If you take longer than 45 to 60 sec to perform the 60 reps, reduce the reps.

Aim for a finish time of around sub 10-12 minutes. If your double unders play the game, you could be closer to 6-8 minutes.







Burpee jump to target: Omit the high jump to the target. Scale further to a kick-back (no push-up burpee) if needed.

Plank shoulder taps: Scale to a kneeling version.


Partially Loaded

Dumbbell Clean and Jerk: Scale the load as needed. These are intended to be done unbroken, just.

Double-unders: Reduce the reps to 40-50 or cap at 1 minute of work. Then, modify to penguin taps, fast feet or jumping jacks.


Fully Loaded

Clean and Jerk: Scale the load as needed. These are to be done unbroken.

Strict Pull-up: In class, if you don't yet have 3+ strict unbroken unassisted pull-ups we will scale to the plank rows as per the partially loaded version. This will make the logistics of social distancing in class a lot easier.

Double-unders: Reduce the reps to 40-50 or cap at 1 minute of work. Then, modify to penguin taps, fast feet or jumping jacks.


WARMUP ~ 5 - 10 MINS

(5 min.) Dynamic Mobility – on the spot if you need to


Regular Bear Crawls

Sumo Squat + Air Squat

Tall Duck Walks

Bird Peckers

Zombie Inchworms

Jumping jacks – full ROM





Find a max set Plank Hold – use 2 attempts. If you think you can hold an active plank longer than 3 minutes, add some load to your back. Pillows, children, a sack of potatoes.


3 times through

20 sec. Burpee to target jumps

10 sec. Plank shoulder taps

10 sec. Rest

* Prep as needed for the workout


(10 min.) Perform the workout


Fully Loaded+Partially Loaded:


Briefly review the power clean and jerk with an empty barbell/set of dumbbells.

Then, for Fully Loaded athletes, work up to a heavy set of 4 touch and go Clean and Jerks using 5-6 sets.

* Between sets, perform 4 strict pull-ups – or negatives, building to your workout modification.


For, Partially Loaded athletes, perform this complex 4 to 5 times:

2 Deadlift + 2 power clean + 2 push jerk

* In between sets, perform 4 reps of plank dumbbell rows on each side.

(10 min.) Perform the workout



(5-10 min.) Cool Down

Alternate between 5 x slow down dog to cobra poses + 5 back bridges (scale as needed)

3-5 rounds

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