CrossFit Wild South @HOME 060921
CFWS @ HOME Monday 6th September, 2021
3 Rounds, each for time.
Every 10 min. perform
8 Strict Handstand Pushups
800 m Run
3 Rounds, each for time.
Every 10 min. perform
4 Dumbbell Man-makers (pick load)
8 Strict Handstand Pushups
16 Dumbbell Alternating Hang Power Snatch
800 m Run
3 Rounds, each for time.
Every 10 min. perform
4 Muscle-ups
8 Strict Handstand Pushups
12 Hang Power Snatch (43/30 kg.)
800 m Run
WOD Design and Logistics
We wanted to use today as an opportunity for people to get some skills to practice while we are relatively fresh. Hence the reason we put the higher skill gymnastics at the start of each round and then ended each round with the light Snatches (skaters) and the Run.
The amount of rest each round, roughly 2-3 minutes, will allow us to be recovered enough to hit each round hard, while fresh-ish.
All three bodyweight movements require a little coordination and skill to perform, which may slow us down a little within each round. That is ok, that is the point for today’s workout. As long as we can still perform the movements with some intensity.
Partially Loaded
The dumbbell sub switches up the stimulus here a little, but the goal is to get through each round in a similar timeframe as the overall intent.
Fully Loaded
The muscle-ups and Handstand push-ups at the start of each round is a gnarly combo to start off with for those able to take on the fully-loaded version. Then we finish the round with the Snatches and the Run, yummy. Also, the low reps for the muscle-ups and HSPU mean that a few more of us maybe be tempted to doing it Rx’d or as close to as possible, which is good if that's where we are at with those movements.
Each round is for time.
WOD Goal
Each round is intended to be done as fast as possible. Each round should take between 6-7 min, leaving around 3 min to recover.
The faster we go, the more rest we will get! We may still be breathing a little by the time we need to go again, but our body should be recovered enough to still be able to perform those first two movements unbroken.
The run is going to be a big factor in their overall performance since it takes up the biggest chunk of each round. The goal is to run as hard as we can for 800 m for each given round. Ideally, this is the same pace across all three rounds.
Fully Loaded:
A lot of us won’t be able to perform the muscle-ups and HSPU unbroken, if at all due to equipment. That is ok. We will either get less rest, OR we can reduce our reps by a few to make it more manageable. Assess your situation as you see fit. If we are down to doing 1 rep at a time, this might be too time-consuming and we might want to scale the movement.
Strict HSPU: Reduce ROM, then scale further to Pike HSPU. (elevate the feet for further challenge)
Run: Scale the distance as needed.
Rotational Planks: Scale to holding 20 sec. Right Plank/20 sec. Left Plank
Speed Skaters: Scale to Up and Over the Fence + Air Squat
Partially Loaded
Dumbbell Man-maker: Scale the load as needed. Omit the squat portion of the cluster.
Dumbbell Alt. Hang Power Snatch: Scale the load as needed.
Fully Loaded
Muscle-up: Scale to 6 chest-to-bar pull-ups today, or to 8 low ring muscle-up transitions or to strict pull-ups.
Hang Power Snatch: Scale load as needed.
WARMUP ~ 5 - 10 MINS
(5-10 min.) Warm-up
(10 min.) OTB Whole Body Complex
2 rounds
10 Alt. Supine Plank Leg Raises
10 Sit-up to Pike
10 Sit-up to Straddle
5 Inchworm into Down Dog into Cobra
(10 min.) Prep for the workout
Run 200 m
8 Speed skaters
6 Strict handstand push-up lowers
8 Rotational planks
6 Strict HSPU – or use workout modification here.
Run 200 m – faster than before.
(30 min.) Perform the workout
Partially Loaded:
Run 200 m
4 Dumbbell front squats + 4 Dumbbell push press
6 Strict handstand push-up lowers
12 Dumbbell alt. Hang Power Snatch
6 Strict HSPU – or use workout modification here.
4 Man-makers
Run 200 m – faster than before.
Fully Loaded:
Run 200 m
8 Kipping swings on rings + 4 ring pull-ups – Or 8 muscle-up transitions on low rings
6 Strict handstand push-up lowers
8 Hang power snatch – empty barbell
8 Hang power snatch – workout weight
6 Strict HSPU – or use workout modification here.
2 Strict muscle-ups or attempts
Run 200 m – faster than before.
Lie with feet up the wall for 3+ min. Add a shoulder/arm extension with weight in the hands if possible.