CrossFit Wild South @Level 2 - 240921
Friday 24th September 2021
15 Front Squat at 70% Bodyweight
With the time that is remaining of 4 min. perform AMRAP Toes to bar, every time you break perform 10 back extensions
REST 1 minute
15 Front Squat at 70% Bodyweight
With the time that is remaining of 4 min. perform AMRAP Wall Ball (9/6kg 10/9ft), every time you break perform a 30-second plank hold
REST 1 minute
15 Front Squat at 70% Bodyweight
With the time that is remaining of 4 min. perform AMRAP Toes to bar, every time you break perform 10 back extensions
REST 1 minute
15 Front Squat at 70% Bodyweight
With the time that is remaining of 4 min. perform AMRAP Wall Ball (9/6kg 10/9ft), every time you break perform a 30-second plank hold
20 Double Dumbbell Front Squat 22.5/15kg
With the time that is remaining of 4 min. perform AMRAP Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 22,5/15kg, every time you break perform 10 back extensions
REST 1 minute
20 Double Dumbbell Front Squat 22.5/15kg
With the time that is remaining of 4 min. perform AMRAP Single Dumbbell Cluster 22.5/15kg, every time you break perform a 30-second plank hold
REST 1 minute
20 Double Dumbbell Front Squat 22.5/15kg
With the time that is remaining of 4 min. perform AMRAP Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 22,5/15kg, every time you break perform 10 back extensions
REST 1 minute
20 Double Dumbbell Front Squat 22.5/15kg
With the time that is remaining of 4 min. perform AMRAP Single Dumbbell Cluster 22.5/15kg, every time you break perform a 30-second plank hold
12 Over unders
With the time that is remaining of 4 min. perform AMRAP Jumping Lunges, every time you break perform 10 back extensions
REST 1 minute
12 Over unders
With the time that is remaining of 4 min. perform AMRAP Wall Squat Hold, every time you break perform a 30-second plank hold
REST 1 minute
12 Over unders
With the time that is remaining of 4 min. perform AMRAP Jumping Lunges, every time you break perform 10 back extensions
REST 1 minute
12 Over unders
With the time that is remaining of 4 min. perform AMRAP Wall Squat Hold, every time you break perform a 30-second plank hold
REST 1 minute
12 Over unders
With the time that is remaining of 4 min. perform AMRAP Jumping Lunges, every time you break perform 10 back extensions
REST 1 minute
12 Over unders
With the time that is remaining of 4 min. perform AMRAP Wall Squat Hold, every time you break perform a 30-second plank hold
WOD Design and Logistics
Fully Loaded:
Lots of squatting today. Some heavy, some light.
Managing your fatigue through this will be a key component of today’s workout.
We want you to accumulate your max reps using unbroken sets so we have slipped in a couple of "break" movements to help keep you on track with that.
This will keep our overall Toes to bar volume down as we intend for you to need to rest a bit more for these, this will be ok as we are wanting to introduce them slowly again anyway.
The wall balls will be self-scaling as far as volume goes, your fatigue on these will dictate your rests OR you will get to do a lot of planks, which is fine too.
We are taking the bar from the ground today, squat cleans are ok for the first rep from the ground. Aiming for around 70% bodyweight, these reps are supposed to be heavy, while some of our stronger squatters will be able to go unbroken at that weight, it's possible that we will all need to break them up at some stage in the workout. Once you get below 5 reps per set, reduce the load as it has got too heavy for what we want for you from this workout.
To clarify, we always perform 15 Front Squats at the start of each AMRAP, then you alternate what movement you finish off the AMRAP with.
Partially Loaded:
As with the Fully Loaded track, lots of squatting for the partially loaded track today, mostly in the moderate to light loading, but with a solid amount of volume
Managing your fatigue through this will be a key component of today’s workout.
We want you to accumulate your max reps using big unbroken sets so we have slipped in a couple of "break" movements to help keep you on track with that.
The Power Snatch and Cluster are a Single Dumbbell.
To clarify, we always perform 20 Double Dumbbell Front Squats at the start of each AMRAP, then you alternate what movement you finish off the AMRAP with.
We wanted to include some squatting, but not so much that you burn out after a few rounds. The amount of lower-body involvement today will do that alone! And as you can see, we have 2 more rounds of work to do than the other tracks.
So, we came up with this little number that includes a variation of jumping, uni-lateral jumping/squatting and a hold for good measure.
We want you to accumulate your max reps using big unbroken sets so we have slipped in a couple of "break" movements to help keep you on track with that.
We think the Unloaded Crew are going to enjoy this one. In a weird, I can’t feel my lower body, way.
Find a chair and a broomstick to create their over-under set-up.
To clarify, we always perform 12 Over Unders at the start of each round, then you alternate what movement you finish off the AMRAP with.
Score total reps of Toes to Bar/Dumbbell Snatches/Jumping lunges and Wall balls/Clusters.
* Squat hold has no score. Every time you break, take off 3 reps from your total.
WOD Goal
Fully Loaded:
We want you to find the appropriate load for you. It is prescribed as 70% body weight, but that might be too heavy for some of us.
The goal is to be able to perform all 15 reps unbroken with it feeling really challenging around rep 9 or 10.
After round 1, you won’t be feeling as fresh, so the load will feel even heavier still so breaking them up will need to be considered, but it is another clean each time.
You should have roughly 2-3 min. left to perform the Toes to bar or Wall balls. It will feel like a long time, especially as you start to fatigue so you will need to use the time wisely.
The goal should be to average around 25+ wall balls in sets of 10 + for the first round and around 10 - 20+ Toes to Bar per round.
Partially Loaded:
You should also have around 2-3 min. left to perform the snatches and clusters since the loading is lighter.
For both movements shoot for 20 + each round. Most likely a little higher for the snatches, with the last round of clusters seeing a slight decline, given the accumulated fatigue over the 6 rounds.
The 12 over-unders will take most of us over 1 minute, leaving roughly the same amount of time as the other two tracks to perform the other movements.
The jumping lunges will get spicy fast and you will need to break these up into chunks. Perform a set, rest - "Back extension" then go again.
Performing large amounts of these unbroken is really hard! For the wall squat hold, the goal is to hold for as long as possible within each round.
You might want to take the last 10-20 sec before the end of the time to shake the legs out and get ready to squat again, otherwise, your legs may not cooperate going straight into the over-unders!
Fully Loaded:
Front squats: Scale load as needed, THEN if the total volume is looking to be an issue for you, scale the reps down but increase the "rest" movements to 15 back extensions and 45-sec plank hold.
Toes to Bar: Scale to kipping hanging knee raises, v-ups or feet to wall situps
Wall ball: Scale the target height THEN load
Partially Loaded:
Dumbell Front Squat: Scale reps to a single dumbbell (10 reps each side) THEN load
Dumbbell Snatch: Scale Load then to Dumbbell Swing.
Dumbbell Cluster: scale to power clean + thruster or just a thruster.
Over-unders: Scale height of over. Then, crawl under an ‘invisible’ pole.
Jumping lunges: Scale to regular lunges.
Wall squat hold: Scale to a regular squat hold. Scale further to support with the hold. Use a wall or chair.
(10-15 min.) Dynamic warm-up
2 Rounds
5-10 reps long lunge sequence
10 Wall squats
(5 min.) Review barbell/dumbbell and unloaded movements as needed.
(15 min.) Workout Prep/Skill Work
Fully Loaded:
(10 min.) Front Squat prep
10 reps with an empty barbell – pause at the bottom for 3 sec
7 reps – pause at the bottom for 5 sec.
2 x 5 reps – no pause, increase weight each set
* The second set of 5 should be done at your working weight.
* Perform 5 Back extensions between warm-up sets
(5 min.) Toes to Bar prep
10 Kip Swings
5 Big Kip Swings with knee raise and hard lat pull down
2 x 5 Toes to Bar - if these cannot be done unbroken, scale to Hanging Knee raises in for the workout
* Perform 7 Wall Balls between warm-up toes to bar sets.
(30 min.) Perform the workout
Partially Loaded:
(10 min.) Dumbbell Front Squat prep
10 reps with a light set of Dumbbells – pause at the bottom for 3 sec
7 reps – increase the weight on the Dumbbells pause at the bottom for 5 sec.
2 x 5 reps – no pause, increase weight each set
* The second set of 5 should be done at your working weight.
* Perform 5 Back extensions between warm-up sets
(5 min.) Snatch and Cluster prep
30 sec. Dumbbell Snatch
30 sec. Plank Hold
30 sec. Clusters
30 sec. Plank Hold
(30 min.) Perform the workout
(5 min.) Find something to step up onto. Or use your over-under set up and step over this.
10 Step-ups
10 Lateral Step-ups – each side
5 Jump overs
5 Jump over, crawl under (full movement)
(5 min.) Prep
2 rounds
4 Lunges + 4 jumping lunges
30 sec. Wall squat
* Prep as needed for the workout
(30 min.) Perform the workout
~ 3 - 5 minutes gentle flush pace on the assault bike or a 200m walk.
2 -3 min. Couch Stretch
1 min. Each side pigeon plus reach forward with body and arms
1 min. Each side Hamstring stretch